A Meditation for the Spring Equinox

As the month marches on, energies are changing in preparation for one of the most powerful days on the calendar, the Spring Equinox. March 20th is an auspicious day in which our intentions and wishes that were planted and have been germinating within the previous weeks start to burst forth in wild, optimistic color.

If you’ve followed my newsletters and blog, I hope you have gifted yourself the time to take part in my springtime manifestation exercise. This is a continuation ...


Laura Day | Practical Intuition

 In this show, Laura Day, author of Practical Intuition, shares how the power of a single wish can transform your life. Brad Pitt says of Laura, “I believe in the gut and I believe in Laura Day.” Demi Moore says, “Laura Day is a remarkable woman with remarkable abilities.” And Deepak Chopra calls her work, “brilliant and practical.” I think you too will be very moved by her clarity, insight ...


Terry Cole-Whitaker | Finding Your True Purpose

 Terry Cole-Whitaker talks about finding your true purpose, overcoming habits of negative thinking, and coming to understand your spiritual nature. She is the author of many bestselling books including, What you Think of Me is None of my Business, How to Have More in a Have not World and Live Your Bliss, Practices that Produce Happiness and Prosperity. ...


Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker | Living Your Bliss

 Now is the time we’ve all been waiting for. There is nothing to fear when we have possession of the laws of nature and understand our divine purpose. Whoever controls our thoughts, controls us. In this show, Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker reminds us that whatever thoughts we agree with and believe must manifest in the space time reality, so carefully choose what you want by only thinking and believing those thoughts ...


Joe Dispenza | How to Break the Habit of Being Yourself

 So you make your New Year’s resolutions, fired with enthusiasm to change your life—lose those pounds, exercise every day, stop smoking, eliminate sugar and eat better food, but before you know it, you’re down that rabbit hole again. But are you locked into failure? Absolutely not! You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life, says Dr. ...

Bill O’Hanlon | Getting on Track with Your Life

 This podcast features Bill O’Hanlon, psychotherapist, author of 24 books and teacher. He is one of the few people on the planet to be personally trained by Milton Erickson. And he is a powerful force. His audio program, “Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot,” brings new light and practical insight into the business of finding your path and purpose in life. Check it out!

Details: Outro music provided by the Podsafe ...


Catherine Bean Weser | Creation from the Deep Self

 Catherine Bean Weser has been a conscious channel since 1982, when a presence appeared in a meditation and announced itself as a teacher in the One Life.  This being later identified himself as Dwahl Khul.

In this show, Dwahl Khul talks about ways that allow you to refine your thoughts and emotions to engage them in a coherent energy process that will allow you to create your life in a way ...
