Byron Katie | Four Questions to Change Your Life

 I have interviewed a lot of amazing people in the last few years, but this one truly amazed me. I felt paradigms shifting as I spoke with Byron Katie, author of Loving What Is. The conversion experience that she had, which clearly must have been an enlightenment of some sort, comes through her, even as we spoke on the phone, thousands of miles apart.

I hope it comes through to you ...


Dr. Bruce Lipton | How Beliefs Control Biology

 In this amazing podcast, Kelly Howell and Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., cellular biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, talk about how our beliefs literally create our reality, at the cellular level. Step by step, Bruce explains that we’re not the prisoners of our genetics: our cells are malleable, and we can mold them with what we believe. Bruce says “belief controls biology.”

You’ll discover why positive thinking doesn’t work. It ...


Tony Buzan | Mind Mapping

 Creativity expert, Tony Buzan, is the world leading authority on Mind Mapping. He’s the founder of Buzan Centers World Wide providing a broad range of training and learning techniques designed to help improve memory, increase intelligence, and expand creativity. He is the author of many books including, The Memory Book: How to Remember Anything You Want and The Mind Map Book. ...


Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker | Living Your Bliss

 Now is the time we’ve all been waiting for. There is nothing to fear when we have possession of the laws of nature and understand our divine purpose. Whoever controls our thoughts, controls us. In this show, Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker reminds us that whatever thoughts we agree with and believe must manifest in the space time reality, so carefully choose what you want by only thinking and believing those thoughts ...


Rupert Sheldrake | Morphic Resonance

 Rupert Sheldrake, author of The Presence of the Past, talks about Morphic Resonance, telephone telepathy, email telepathy, and some of his online experiments. Ooh..he also has an interesting take on Dr. Emoto’s water crystal photographs.Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world’s most innovative biologists, has revolutionized scientific thinking with his vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory. He first worked in developmental biology and is best known ...


Paul H. Smith | Remote Viewing: The Most Secret Agent

 Learn about Remote Viewing with Major Paul H. Smith (ret.), a veteran of the Star Gate Program. Very cool show.

Another must-listen podcast. In 1983 Major Paul H. Smith joined military intelligence’s most secret and controversial program: Star Gate, which was devoted to training “psychic warriors.” At Star Gate’s heart was remote viewing, a form of telepathy. In this show, Kelly and Paul discuss Star Gate and remote viewing.

Kelly asks, “is ...


Kelly Howell | Optimize Your Brain for the Best Performance

 Learn how to get the clearest possible signals from your brain. The difference between coherent and incoherent brain waves is explored.

Coherent waves are clear, unbroken signals that are jam packed with information. These waves are always present in peak performance brain states, they are associated with clear thinking, heightened creativity and higher states of awareness. Incoherent waves are more like static fuzz; they are associated with scattered, unfocused thinking, stress ...


Joe Dispenza | How to Break the Habit of Being Yourself

 So you make your New Year’s resolutions, fired with enthusiasm to change your life—lose those pounds, exercise every day, stop smoking, eliminate sugar and eat better food, but before you know it, you’re down that rabbit hole again. But are you locked into failure? Absolutely not! You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life, says Dr. ...

Dr. Michael Newton | Life Between Lives

 Do you ever wonder what happens to us after death? If so, you’ll find this podcast fascinating. Dr. Michael Newton – Author of “Destiny of Souls” and “Jouliferney of Souls” has been exploring what goes on in the afterlife for 40 years. His findings, based on 7,000 case studies are intriguing to say the least.

He discovered through his work as a clinical hypnotherapist, that it is possible to see into ...


Robert Fritz | Learn the Art and Science of Manifestation

 Robert Fritz has developed one of the most powerful and practical systems for applying the mechanics of creating anything you want: a work of art, a relationship, a career or a better life.

Robert is the creator of the DMA course for manifestation you’ve all been asking me about. I took his course in the early 1980’s, and to this day, still use his techniques because they work.

I urge you to ...

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